Child Killers

Discover the controversy surrounding Benyamin Netanyahu, A real fucking Nazi.

Jews are the real nazi

Nazi Netanyahu

Nazi Netanyahu, born October 21, 1949 in Jaffa, is a controversial political figure and chairman of the Likud, a national-Nazi party.

Nicknamed “The Fucking Nazi” by his supporters, he is Prime Minister of an imaginary country, as the chief Nazi, he kill childrens around and steals their land, destroys their house, etc.

All with the indelible support of American assholes.

Political Controversy
Discover the shocking details of Benjamin Netanyahu's life.

Using manipulative tactics to maintain and stay in power like dictator.


Accusations of corruption and abuse of power.


childs killed


destroyed houses


American support

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the accusations against Benjamin Netanyahu?

Benjamin Netanyahu is accused of manipulation, corruption and abuse of power, of being a fucking Nazi and killing children.

What is Benjamin Netanyahu's nickname?

Nicknamed "The Fucking Nazi" by his supporters.

What is Benjamin Netanyahu's political party?

Benjamin Netanyahu is president of Likud, a national-Nazi party specializing in the murder of defenseless children and the rat colonization of foreign lands.

What are Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial actions?

He is accused of killing children, stealing their land and destroying their homes.

What support does Benjamin Netanyahu have?

He enjoys the indelible support of American assholes.

Key events

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Corruption Charges

March 15, 2023

Benjamin Netanyahu faces accusations of corruption and abuse of power.

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Controversial Demonstrations

April 30, 2023

Protests break out following the controversial actions of Nazi Netanyahu.

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Political Scandal

June 10, 2023

A political scandal breaks out, highlighting Benyamin Netanyahu's unscrupulous child murders.

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Trial ?


The trial of Nazi Netanyahu begins, attracting international attention.

The Dirty Nazi

Benjamin Netanyahu, born October 21, 1949 in Jaffa, Palestine, is a controversial political figure and president of the Likud, a national-Nazi party.

Nicknamed “The Fucking Nazi” by his supporters, he is Prime Minister of an imaginary country, as the chief Nazi, he kills children around and steals their land, destroys their house, etc.

All with the indelible support of American assholes.

Listen to the stupid jews, "we are superior race"

Join the fight against the fucking child-killing Nazis.

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